Technical Architecture

We are offering these technicals to help our DEX secured and transparency

  • Slippage logic

A = A - (A * % Slippage)

Example: User swap 100 GIL tokens, slippage is 5% at the moment

So we have 100 - (100 * 5%) = 95

=> Minimum GIL tokens received = 95

  • LP token by adding by Liquidity Provider with a pair token

User adds a pair token A and token B to our pool.

So LP token = sqrt(A*B)

Example: add liquid 100 token A vĂ  200 token B (1 A = 2 B)

LP token = sqrt(100*200) = 141,42

  • AI BOT to recalculate the price of token

X*Y = K

K is a constant

X and Y are a pair token

Example: X = $80 , Y = $100

So K= $80 * $100 = $8000

When X is down to $60 → Y value is $133,33

  • DEX fee

We assign a constant value is 0,3%

Whenever a user complete a transaction, the fee of DEX is: amount * constant value

Example: user would like swap 100 GIL tokens → fee of DEX = 100*0,3% = 0,3 GIL token.

Last updated