Sensui Wallet Integration

Sensui Wallet Integration

Sensui Wallet can make requests to the wallet from their website:

// Note const Permissions = ['viewAccount','suggestTransactions'] as const;

  • requestPermission(permissions: Permission[]): prompts the user to allow connection from the dApp (neccessary to make other requests)

  • hasPermission(Permissions): check permisstion of the user to allow connection from the dApp (neccessary to make other requests)

  • getAccounts(): gets the address of the account signed into the wallet

// Note interface MoveCallTransaction { packageObjectId: ObjectId; module: string; function: string; typeArguments: string[]; arguments: SuiJsonValue[]; gasPayment?: ObjectId; gasBudget: number; }

  • executeMoveCall(tx: MoveCallTransaction): signs and broadcast the given transaction and submits to chain

  • executeSerializedMoveCall(tx: Base64EncodedString): signs and broadcast (with Serialized) the given transaction and submits to chain

// Check connection status of wallet const result = await window.senSuiWallet.requestPermissions(Permissions)

// Check connection status of wallet const result = await window.senSuiWallet.mi(Permissions)

// Gets the address of the account signed into the wallet const result = await window.senSuiWallet.getAccounts()

// Sign transaction const result = await window.senSuiWallet.executeMoveCall(txs)

// Sign transaction (with Serialized) const result = await window.senSuiWallet.executeSerializedMoveCall(tx.toString())

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